“Ian is a meticulous and probing business journalist with an eye for accuracy and an ability to cut through the PR froth.”

Noel Young, former editor, Sunday Mail and group managing editor, Daily Record and Sunday Mail

“Ian is a first rate business journalist with a bulging contacts book and a keen eye for a story.”

Carlos Alba, former editor, The Sunday Times Scotland

“Ian Fraser has written extensively about goings on in the HBOS corporate lending department. Given the hair-raising nature of so many of the stories that surround HBOS, it’s difficult to understand why it is only now that we have confirmation of some sort of regulatory enquiry.”

Paul Murphy, founding editor, FT Alphaville, and associate editor of the Financial Times

“Ian Fraser is one of the most far-sighted, engaging and downright hard-working journalists in Scotland. He has spotted stories, uncovered scandals and written about them in a detailed and accessible way that leaves many in the dust.”

Eamonn O’Neill, professor of journalism, Edinburgh Napier University

“We need more journalists of Fraser’s calibre, who are able to delve into the often arcane world of high finance and to take a strong, independent viewpoint. We may never see the perp walk that the British public richly deserves but, by keeping vigil, we might avoid sleepwalking into another financial crisis”

Robert Alstead, The Edinburgh Guide

Ian Fraser ia tenacious, hard-working and extremely reliable. He is also a top writer and a jolly decent human being.

Kenny Kemp, author and former business editor, The Sunday Herald

“It’s truly refreshing to read a mainstream financial journalist/commentator who isn’t still in thrall to the people who caused this mess in the first place!”

Tom Nicol, risk-management consultant, Almanac Consulting

“Ian Fraser’s articles on China were excellent. They provided a better guide to the opportunities — and the risks — of private equity investment in China than anything else I’ve read.”

Shaun Rein, founder and managing director, China Market Research

“Ian Fraser’s “A very secret life” about Standard Life and his article on State Street are great reads — genuinely enjoyable to read and insightful.”

Robert White, former head of public relations, Citigroup Global Transaction Services

“Ian Fraser has written excellent material for our clients, including KPMG and SJ Berwin. His extensive knowledge of the business world and his clean, elegant copy are highly valued.”

Sam Gallagher, publisher, Bladonmore Media

“Ian Fraser’s Sunday Times column on Edinburgh was spot on! What planet does City of Edinburgh Council live on? Do they ever go outside their offices? Do they ever try and cross the road or drive around Scotland’s embarrassing capital? I hope he keeps giving them a hard time — they deserve it!

David Watt, executive director, Institute of Directors Scotland

“Glad to see how much you’re writing on the subject of better ways forward for the economy – good stuff.”

Robin Harper, former MSP, co-convenor, Green Party

“I’ve read many articles on India, but your e-passage to India was the most balanced and fair.”

Mike Cast, former managing director, Mastek UK

“Ian Fraser’s Del Boy piece [“How the wheels came off at Standard Life“] was a real cracker – well done indeed.”

Ronnie Sloan, independent consulting actuary


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